You Like Me, You Really Like Me!

February 25, 2009

I am so excited. I haven't really been blogging for long. But, I have received 2 awards! I feel like I've just won an Oscar.

The first award is from my sweet friend Mariel. You really have to check out her blog here. She has some great tag tutorials. This is the "Friendship" award. I'm so proud to receive this from her. Thank you so much, Mariel.

Put the name and link of the blog who chose you for this Award. Select 8 names of people who have got amazing blogs, and give them in friendship signal.
My blogs are:

The second award is the "Totally Awesome Blog" award. This one came from Jael Lopez who has a wonderful blog here. She does the most beautiful scrap kits and is generous enough to give them to us for free! I had the pleasure of using her scrap kit "Romance" for my blog design, with her permission of course. You really, really must check out her blog. You won't be disappointed.

You have to pass this on to 5 people.
My choices are:
Gem's Taggin' Scraps
Kirsty's Scraps
Lisa's Creative Clutter...Too
Designz by Ali

Tut and Scrap By Bel Vidotti

February 14, 2009

Bel Vidotti has some greet freebie scraps on her scrap blog. She also has a blog for her tuts. This tag was done with a tut and a scrap kit from Bel Vidotti. You should check out her blogs if you haven't already. She's very talented.

The artwork of course is Suzanne's "Mother Nature". It's an awesome painting.

Bel Vidotti Tutorials
Bel Vidotti Scraps

Grab Bag Challenge

February 7, 2009

I did this weeks Grab Bag Challenge at Just Gorjuss. This is what I came up with.

Small Giant

This was a cute little tut I did from Gem's Taggin' Tuts called Small Giant. The scrap kit is hers, also. I used Suzanne's lovely art called "The Last Rose". Leave some love for Gem is you download her scrap kit, please.


This is another tut that I had the girls at Just Gorjuss do. It's from Lisa's Creative Clutter...Too and it's called Heavenly. This is one of Suzanne's little Rag Dollies. Isn't she adorable? The scrap kit used for this is Misty Rose from Lights, Camera, Action"s".

Unspoken Words

February 5, 2009

This was a tutorial that I did by Dee at Little Mama's PSP Tutorials. It's called Unspoken Words. It was done with a fabulous free scrap kit called Sweet Spring by Regina Freitas Scrapart. There are 3 parts to the kit. Please leave some love if you download the scrap kit. The tube used is called "The Cosmic Secret" by Suzanne Woolcott.

Through The Woods

This was a tutorial challenge that I had at Just Gorjuss. It was done using a tutorial from Purplechick Creations called Through The Woods. The scrap kit used is Cherish from Kittz Kreationz. It's an awesome freebie! If you download it, please leave some love. The tube is from Suzanne Woolcott and it's called "I'm Sorry For Your Loss".

Inspired by Twilight

I'm a huge fan of Twilight. I've read all the books and seen the movie. So I was thrilled when Suzanne came out with her "Dusk" tube. It was inspired by Twilight! It's one of my favorites! Then I found this freebie scrap kit at Designed by Kat called "Twilight Moon". So of course I had to make a tag using them both. If you download it leave some love.