Tut and Scrap By Bel Vidotti

February 14, 2009

Bel Vidotti has some greet freebie scraps on her scrap blog. She also has a blog for her tuts. This tag was done with a tut and a scrap kit from Bel Vidotti. You should check out her blogs if you haven't already. She's very talented.

The artwork of course is Suzanne's "Mother Nature". It's an awesome painting.

Bel Vidotti Tutorials
Bel Vidotti Scraps


ger76 said...

Thanx hun for your kins comments, can i just say i lurve your blog, i wish i could master psp :( yours are stunning.

I am new to SW throught the talk of these stamps being released a few months ago and then for Valentines I was treated to a I Heart Goth pic, I have been hooked ever since

take care
Ger xx